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Internet Archaeology: Issue 64 (2023)

International Data Aggregation for Archaeological Research and Heritage Management: the ARIADNE experience

Edited by Edeltraud Aspöck and Julian D. Richards

ARIADNEplus logo   SEADDA logo   COST logo   Funded by EU

ARIADNEplus was funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 823914. The COST Action SEADDA (18128) was funded by the European Union COST Association. However, the views and opinions expressed in these articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


Julian D. Richards, Edeltraud Aspöck and Franco Niccolucci

Cite this as: Richards, J.D., Aspöck, E. and Niccolucci, F. 2023 Introduction. International Data Aggregation for Archaeological Research and Heritage Management: the ARIADNE experience, Internet Archaeology 64.

Achievements of the ARIADNE Initiative for Archaeological Data Sharing and Research

Guntram Geser

Cite this as: Geser, G. 2023 Achievements of the ARIADNE Initiative for Archaeological Data Sharing and Research, Internet Archaeology 64.

Joined up Thinking: Aggregating archaeological datasets at an international scale

Julian D. Richards

Cite this as: Richards, J.D. 2023 Joined up Thinking: Aggregating archaeological datasets at an international scale, Internet Archaeology 64.

Preparing the Romanian National Archaeological Datasets for ARIADNE

Bogdan Sandric, Marius Streinu and Dan Matei

Cite this as: Șandric, B., Streinu, M. and Matei, D. 2023 Preparing the Romanian National Archaeological Datasets for ARIADNE, Internet Archaeology 64.

DB-HERITAGE Data Aggregation of Building Materials Data in ARIADNE: challenges and opportunities

Maria J. Correia and A. Santos Silva

Cite this as: Correia, M.J. and Santos Silva, A. 2023 DB-HERITAGE Building Materials Data Aggregation in ARIADNE - challenges and opportunities, Internet Archaeology 64.

Aggregating coin find data in the ARIADNE portal. Challenges of a specialist domain

David Wigg-Wolf, Anna-Lisa Pfeiffer and Karsten Tolle

Cite this as: Wigg-Wolf, D., Pfeiffer, A.-L. and Tolle, K. 2023 Aggregating Coin Find Data to the ARIADNE Portal. Challenges of using the Getty AAT for a specialist domain, Internet Archaeology 64.

Toward Standardised Vocabularies for Norwegian Archaeology

Espen Uleberg, Mieko Matsumoto, George Alexis Pantos and Letizia Bonelli

Cite this as: Uleberg, E., Matsumoto, M., Pantos, G.A. and Bonelli, L. 2023 Toward Standardised Vocabularies for Norwegian Archaeology, Internet Archaeology 64.

Prehistoric Mining Data: How to create Open Data from archaeological research for the ARIADNE community and beyond

Gerald Hiebel, Brigit Danthine, Milena Peralta Friedburg and Manuel Scherer-Windisch

Cite this as: Hiebel, G., Danthine, B., Peralta Friedburg, M. and Scherer-Windisch, M. 2023 Prehistoric Mining Data: How to create Open Data from archaeological research for the ARIADNE community and beyond, Internet Archaeology 64.

The Aggregation of ROAD Data in the ARIADNE Pipeline: Pitfalls and Success

Andrew W. Kandel, Miriam N. Haidle, Volker Hochschild, Christian Sommer and Zara Kanaeva

Cite this as: Kandel, A.W., Haidle, M.N., Hochschild, V., Sommer, C. and Kanaeva, Z. 2023 The Aggregation of ROAD Data in the ARIADNE Pipeline: pitfalls and successes, Internet Archaeology 64.

Tools and Ontologies for the Aggregation and Management of Cypriot Archaeological Datasets

Valentina Vassallo, Maria Theodoridou, Achille Felicetti and Avgoustinos Avgousti

Cite this as: Vassallo, V., Theodoridou, M., Felicetti, A. and Avgousti, A. 2023 Tools and Ontologies for the Aggregation and Management of Cypriot Archaeological Datasets, Internet Archaeology 64.

Integrating Data on Early Medieval Graves: Mapping the THANADOS database to the ARIADNE infrastructure with the Mortuary Data Application Profile

Edeltraud Aspöck, Stefan Eichert, Maria Theodoridou, Achille Felicetti and Nina Richards

Cite this as: Aspöck, E., Eichert, S., Theodoridou, M., Felicetti, A. and Richards, N. 2023 Integrating Data on Early Medieval Graves: Mapping the THANADOS database to the ARIADNE infrastructure with the Mortuary Data Application Profile, Internet Archaeology 64.

Semantic Modelling of Archaeological Excavation Data. A review of the current state of the art and a roadmap of activities

Markos Katsianis, George Bruseker, Denitsa Nenova, Olivier Marlet, Florian Hivert, Gerald Hiebel, Christian-Emil Ore, Paola Derudas, Rachel Opitz and Espen Uleberg

Cite this as: Katsianis, M., Bruseker, G., Nenova, D., Marlet, O., Hivert, F., Hiebel, G., Ore, C.-E., Derudas, P., Opitz , R.and Uleberg, E. 2023 Semantic Modelling of Archaeological Excavation Data. A review of the current state of the art and a roadmap of activities, Internet Archaeology 64.

Recording Data from Metal-detecting Activities in the Czech Republic: The Portal of Amateur Collaborators and Register of Individual Finds (AMCR-PAS)

Petr Pajdla, Olga Lečbychová, David Novák, Róbert Antal, Balázs Komoróczy, Tomáš Chlup and Jan Mařík

Cite this as: Pajdla, P., Lečbychová, O., Novák, D., Antal, R., Komoróczy, B., Chlup, T. and Mařík, J. 2023 Recording Data from Metal-Detecting Activities in the Czech Republic: The Portal of Amateur Collaborators and Register of Individual Finds (AMCR-PAS), Internet Archaeology 64.

Getting it Together: Combining information about archaeological sites and artefacts in ARIADNE

Julian D Richards

Cite this as: Richards, J.D. 2023 Getting it Together: Combining information about archaeological sites and artefacts in ARIADNE, Internet Archaeology 64.

Following the Thread: Integrating SORAN’s Japanese dataset into ARIADNE

Yuichi Takata and Peter Yanase

Cite this as: Takata, Y. and Yanase, P. 2023 Following the Thread: Integrating SORAN's Japanese Dataset into ARIADNE, Internet Archaeology 64.

Towards an Open Digital Ecosystem for Archaeology in South America: The BADACor (Córdoba Archaeological Sites Database) as a case of an open digital archaeological source for heritage management in central Argentina

Andrés D. Izeta and Roxana Cattáneo

Cite this as: Izeta, A.D. and Cattáneo, R. 2023 Towards an Open Digital Ecosystem for Archaeology in South America: The BADACor (Córdoba Archaeological Sites Database) as a case of an open digital archaeological source for heritage management in central Argentina, Internet Archaeology 64.

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